So, we’ve done some calculations. Here are our final numbers:
28 days
33 states
7452 miles
5 Major National locations – Niagara Falls, Mount Rushmore, Yellow Stone (I’m counting it, we paid admission and drove through the park, that counts! LOL), Hoover Dam, and Grand Canyon.
5 mountain ranges – Catskills, Rockies, Smoky Mountains, Blue mountains, and Green Mountains. I think we missed the White Mountains.
Many Rivers, here are the ones we noted – Ohio River, Mississippi River, Snake River, Missouri River, Delaware River, Hudson River, Connecticut River
10 Science or Discovery museums.
Countless local sights, eateries, destinations, educational opportunities, friends, family, laughs and good times.
Cost of gas - WOW $$$, you don’t want to know!
Trip of a lifetime… PRICELESS
Thanks for sticking with us!